1. My first Italian Dinner at the Hotel, learning the hard way that you needed to literally hold on to your plate if you didn’t want the servers to take it away. I shared some good laughs with my girls that night due to serious jetlag that made us all slap happy. Haha
2. Eating lunch at the very top of the town in Orbieto. The view was gorgeous and the waiters were really old men with a great sense of humor. And seeing the Eucharistic miracle in the cathedral there!!
3. Cheering with all of Overbrook academy in anticipation to see the Pope in St. Peters square, waving our yellow and white napkins. We were the biggest group present and had many cameras on us while we screamed in enthusiasm. But when the crowds silenced, and the Swiss guards entered lead by a huge band, you felt like you were hearing the Church’s heart beat.
4. To see the Pope knowing that after 2000 years, Christ’s Vicar on earth, the light of the world, is still there paving the way for every Catholic spread throughout the world. It truly was such a blessing for me, especially at a moment in my life when I’m serving HIM, to see the purpose of my mission, to build this church that has lasted for so long, it was so encouraging.
5. Reuniting with two coworkers after the first Papal audience that I hadn’t seen since the coworker Program. One was stationed in Paris and one was already stationed in Rome.
6. Running up to greet Br. Samuel as we were both laughing before we even said anything. Our conversation was THE BEST.
7. Tasting my first gelato right outside the Vatican with my hotel roomy Maria
8. Walking the streets of Assisi as the sun set (Oh and I ran into Christi and Patrick Bentley there!?) small world
9. Buying my leather satchel purse outside the leaning tower of Pisa.
10. Walking into Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica on New Year’s Eve to find over 100 Legionaries in adoration. It was an overwhelming sight and brought tears to my eyes to see them fervently adoring our Lord with such love. To witness so many men who have decided to give their life to Him so joyfully was such an uplifting experience.
11. Receiving 90 minutes to eat as much as I wanted EVERY MEAL EVERY DAY!!
12. Being “DJ JZ” at the New Years Eve party for the School. I got to FINALLY dance it up with all the girls and coworkers while bein the DJ : )
13. Visiting the Tomb of Pope John Paul II
14. Walking through St. Peters Basilica in complete astonishment by how breathtakingly beautiful it is.
15. Having Mass with all of the academies celebrated by Fr. Alvaro and talking with Him afterwards with just the Coworkers.
16. Hearing all of you over the phone on Christmas, especially hearing Madeline Anna and Angela sing.
17. Praying my stations of the Cross crawling up the Holy Steps where Jesus walked up to be condemned to death. You could see the spots where His blood dripped. It was a powerful experience and allowed me to console Christ with every step which was suprisingly very painful. Did you girls do that when you went?
well thats all I really have time for....I will show you more pictures in the future and some will be on fb of course but I hope this gives you an idea of my expereince there :)
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