Typical Jana Zuniga move to wait until the last day of October to post something but this month was literally PACKED with all the traditional autumn festivities that you could think of. It all started with OVERBROOK week which involved much excitement, competition and school spirit. The girls were divided into 10 teams and I had the RED one. It ended with a dance competition and a casino night on Friday. My team received 3rd place and I had an absolute blast helping them out with creating their dance.
The next week 8 of us escaped to a little house up in the mountains of New Hampshire and it literally felt as if it was right out of a story book. The pictures do NOT do that place justice in the slightest bit. It was gorgeous, quaint and peaceful. We spent 3 days there and pretty much just enjoyed the scenic views and relaxed. My favorite part was having a chance to cook with everyone and spend a lot of time getting to know the other coworkers and consecrated. I attempted to bake Tricia’s famous pumpkin cookies but it was a complete fail. I'm convinced that she is the only person that is capable of making them taste delicious.
Upon our arrival we had two busy days awaiting us at the academy from having been gone and the nest week we had 3 days of work with 11 members of our team missing as they took their turn having some time off. That implied a lot of schedule changes and supervision turn rotations but it went by quickly.
The Sunday before the group of 11 left for New Hampshire we actually had a very funny incident happen. I'm sure you find it inconvenient when the power goes out in your home for whatever reason...but imagine having 163 girls run around the Academy with a power outage that nobody saw coming!! I was sitting at the computer and it suddenly shut off along with the lights as the sun was just setting over the bay. I heard the girls in the auditorium let out a huge scream in unison and I immediately got up to see what was wrong. Not only was the power out but so was the generator and the emergency lights which apparently hasn't happened in over 70 years. It was mysterious and all the students were pushed into the dining room to have dinner before the darkness really settled in. We had our meal by candle light and honestly I found the whole thing quite humorous. After about 3 hours of trying to feel our way around the school and keeping everyone from screaming, the school received power again. The next morning I heard from a reliable source that the small mishap was at the fault of a little squirrel with a pair of sharp front teeth. Yup. That's right. I'm convinced they have something against us.
Meanwhile we have taken advantage of the beautiful weather and immersed the girls into some true American culture. Our outings have included Apple Picking followed by a Fall Festival, a casual tour through the 1800 set Sturbridge Village, a Davis Mega Corn Maze and a day at the Patriots Stadium. Today I skipped out to spend it with the Chmura Family in Connecticut! We are enjoying ourselves by the fire on this snowy day to welcome in November and oh, how I have missed Mrs. Chmura's Home cooked meals. Its so easy to have a good time when I'm with my second Family. It was the perfect way to end my busy month of all the hustle and bustle. Hope everyone is having fun this weekend!! Happy Halloween! Love, Jane.
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