I just got back from a mini fishing trip with Paul, totally unsuccessful but we tasted a drop of God’s sweet beauty. We took a nice drive through the wilderness and found a private pond on our way to a state park that looked glorious in the morning shine. It was foggy this morning so the sun rays revealed a smoky layer of mist over the water. It was such a peaceful image to stare at, my mind fresh from caffeine and my day no yet touched by any mistakes. That is why I love the mornings so much! You get to have a new beginning every time the sun rises. Recently I received a letter in the mail from Mary Frain. Don’t we all just love her? I couldn’t get over a simple thought she included about this.
“God is so smart to give us only a certain amount of time to make mistakes in a day and to give us a new chance to improve ourselves and work toward perfection every day.”
It is so healthy to take time each day to remind yourself of how much God loves you. He is also very smart to put these reminders in our path almost constantly. The stars come out every night, the green leaves are now transforming into rich colors and the morning dew comes down to kiss each piece of grass every morning. I am soaking it all in! At least while time allows me to. We also took a family hike at this State Park we just discovered and fell in love with it! So as the autumn season approaches I am trying to steal as many chances to enjoy the nature as possible.
This time of year has been so unique for me. I definitely am homesick for the missionary life, but I am also embracing the new phase that I have entered. Being at home again is lovely. Sometimes it is hard, but recently I have been getting more used to. I am really appreciating all the moments that I get to witness through being here and all the memories that I am making with the younger ones. Gianna and Grace have been my dearest companions and being with Peter and Paul is like living with Ernie and Bert. They are such a comical pair to hang around, always quoting lines from movies back and forth and always telling the most random stories to me. These are my top 5 fave things about being at home again:
1. Taking occasional 5k runs with Dad. (He is still a BEAST but always stops to let me catch up with him) We usually go right before dinner and finish right as its getting dark. At this time of day, the inside of every house begins to glow with warmth and you can smell different meals cooking as you pass each one. I love returning home cold and out of breath when there is a home cooked meal waiting for me to devour.
2. Baking from scratch for the first time ever! Baking is so precise and allows no room for mistakes so I was usually afraid of it. Recently though I had two successes! Homemade Williams&Sanoma Chocolate chip cookies and Pecan bars that were delectable.
3. Watching Grace learn how to roller blade. She gets decked out from head to toe in pink princess padding and wobbles along the sidewalk, rarely letting go of the person guiding her.
4. Going to Adoration with mom. It always puts EVERYTHING in perspective. Any time spent with your creator is time to remind yourself of why He even created you in the first place. I absolutely love it.
5. Visiting Peter and Paul at night when they are in their bunk beds. They are both usually reading when I go in but I never leave their room without having laughed at something they said or did.
Well that’s it for now. I will post something later about my Design and Drawing Classes that I am LOVINGG!!! Right now my work isn’t that developed so I’m holding off until I have a more final project finished. Next up: OKTOBERFEST WEEKEND!!! I’m sure I will post about that as well. Hoping to run the 10k this year! Wish me luck!
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